Is your baby approaching 6 months?
How do you know when to start introducing solid foods to your baby and how to do it?
This is a session for you!
Kathryn Stagg IBCLC – lactation consultant and Miriam Feen IBCLC- The Lactation Centre will cover:
🍌 When to start solids,
🍌 Why is this important,
🍌 Where to start introducing solids,
🍌 How to do it will some ideas,
🍌 What food to give and
🍌 What food to avoid.
We will discuss baby led weaning and purées, how to continue with milk feeds (both breast and bottle), discuss ideas/myths and give you evidence based advice. It will be quite interactive. Please come armed with questions.
This 8 hour course provides a grounding in breastfeeding and infant feeding support for those who work with new families. It’s a session that brings you back to basics and requires no previous training in infant feeding. We will look at the common challenges parents face and the latest evidence in addressing them. We will recommend resources for your learning and to share with parents and give you confidence to support your families. Topics include: why breastfeeding matters, the first few days and getting breastfeeding off to a good start, positioning and attachment, how milk supply works, common challenges, responsive feeding, normal newborn behaviour, night time parenting, unsettled babies, mixed feeding and bottle feeding, signposting and breastfeeding support roles, the role of the partner, twins and an introduction to tongue tie.
8 hours over 4 weeks. (4 x 2 hrs)
Course begins week beginning 16th May (Date to be confirmed)