Doddl Toddler Plate


6 in stock



This is no ordinary toddler plate. The doddl plate looks like a ‘grown up’ plate but has clever design elements that will help your toddler learn how to use a plate successfully.

The gently raised back will help keep their food on the plate, and will offer your child something to push their food against when they are practising their cutlery skills.

The wide flat front offers easy access to food with cutlery, with more of the plate sitting in front of your child.

The doddl splat helps focus your child’s eye on to the centre of the plate (where chopping should ideally take place) whilst the base has a non-slip rim, keeping the plate stable as your child practices their cutlery skills.

All these unique design elements will help your toddler experience more success at mealtimes, helping to build their confidence as an independent eater!

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